DateTime related functions are as follows:

Name Description
ADDDATE() Add a time interval to a datetime
ADDTIME() Add a time value to a datetime
CURDATE() Return the current date
DATEDIFF() Difference between the two datetimes
DATE_FORMAT() Convert datetime as specified format into CHAR string
DATE_TRUNC() Truncate a datetime to specified datepart
DATE() Return the date part of a datetime
DAY() Synonym for DAYOFMONTH()
DAYOFMONTH() Return the day of the month of a datetime
DAYOFWEEK() Return the weekday index of a datetime (1 = Sunday, 2 = Monday, …, 7 = Saturday)
FROM_DAYS() Return a date from a day numer
HOUR() Return the hour part of a datetime
ISOWEEK() Iso week number of a date-time, e.g. 2017W2
MINUTE() Minute of a date-time
MONTH() Month of a date-time
NOW() Current date-time
QUARTER() 1-4, quarter of a date-time
SECOND() Second of a date-time
STR_TO_DATE() Convert string to DATETIME64
STR_TO_DATE32() Convert string to DATE32
STR_TO_DATETIME32() Convert string to DATETIME32
STR_TO_DATETIME64() Convert string to DATETIME64
SUBTIME() Subtract a time interval to a date-time
TIME() Return the time part from a datetime
TIME_BUCKET() Convert a date-time to a bucket's starting TIMESTAMP
TIME_SEG() Convert a date-time to a time segment's starting date-time
TIMEDIFF() Difference (signed integer) between two date-times
TIMESTAMPDIFF() Difference (signed integer) between two date-times
TIMESTAMP() TIMESTAMP of a date-time
TIME_TO_SEC() Convert a time value to seconds
TO_DAYS() Return the number of days since year 0 (date "0000-00-00") of a datetime
WEEK() Week number of a date-time
WEEKDAY() 0 (Sunday) - 6 (Saturday), week day of a day-time
YEAR() Year of a date-time
YEARDAY() 0-365, day number of the year of a date-time
YEARWEEK() Week number of a date-time, e.g. 2017W1


adddate(date-time, time-interval)

The ADDDATE function returns a datetime by adding time-interval to date-time.

The time-interval can be either an integer representing days, a time value, a time window specifier, or an INTERVAL value.

An INTERVAL is specified as

INTERVAL expr unit

The expr determines the interval value and unit can be SECOND, MINUTE, HOUR, DAY, WEEK, MONTH, QUARTER, or YEAR representing the time unit.


addtime(date-time, time)

The ADDTIME function returns a datetime by adding time to date-time.

The time parameter can be either an integer representing seconds, a time window specifier, a time expression, or an INTERVAL value.


datediff(date1, date2)

The DATEDIFF function returns the difference in days between (date1 - date2).

datediff(datepart, date1, date2)

This function works the same as timestampdiff() function. Note that it returns the difference specified by the datepart between (date2 - date1).


date_format(date-time, format)

The DATE_FORMAT function converts a date-time into a CHAR string based on the specified format.

The following format specifiers may be used in the format string.

specifier Description
%a Abbreviated weekday name (Sun..Sat)
%A Full weekday name (Sunday..Saturday)
%b Abbreviated month name (Jan..Dec)
%B Full month name (January..December)
%C Year divided by 100 (00-99)
%d Day of the month (00-31)
%D MM/DD/YY date (08/23/01)
%e Day of the month (0-31)
%F YYYY-MM-DD date (2016-08-23)
%H Hour in 24h format (00-23)
%i Minute (00-59)
%I Hour in 12h format (01-12)
%k Hour in 24h format (00-23)
%l Hour in 12h format (01-12)
%m Month (00-12)
%M Minute (00-59)
%p AM or PM
%s Second (00-59)
%S Seconds (00-59)
%T HH:MM:SS (14:55:02)
%Y Year (2017)
%% A % character


date_trunc(date-time, datepart)

The DATE_TRUNC function truncates a date-time to specified datepart.


str_to_date(string, [date_time_fmt])

str_to_date32(string, [date_time_fmt])

str_to_datetime32(string, [date_time_fmt])

str_to_datetime64(string, [date_time_fmt])

The STR_TO_DATE function and related functions convert a string into a corresponding date time based on the format specified by date_time_fmt. If date_time_fmt is omitted, the current DATE_FORMAT or DATE_TIME_FORMAT configuration setting is used.


subtime(date-time, time-interval)

The SUBTIME function returns a new date-time after subtracting time-interval from date-time.

The time-interval can be either an integer representing seconds or a time window specifier.


time_bucket(date-time, time_window)

The TIME_BUCKET function converts all date-times within the same time window to the starting TIMESTAMP of the time window. The length of a time window is indicated by time window specifiers.


time_seg(date-time, time_window, [reference_time])

The TIME_SEG function converts all date-times within the same time window to the starting date-time of the time window. The length of a time window is indicated by time window specifiers. In addition, the starting time for each time window is determined by the reference_time as a starting time. If reference_time is not given, "1970/01/01 00:00:00" is used as the default reference time.


timestampdiff(datepart, date1, date2)

The TIMESTAMDIFF function returns the difference specified by the datepart between (date2 - date1).

The following lists available datepart types:
