This following lists several types of error information when BigObject returns an error. Note that error codes are returned as negative number in HTTP interface.

Error Code Description
1 Operation not permitted
2 Object corrupted
4 Out of memory
5 Unknown function
6 Object exists
7 No space left on device
8 Too many open files
9 Invalid path
10 Operation not permitted on read only file system
11 No such object
12 Unknown data type
14 Unknown column name
16 Invalid name
18 Column name exists
19 Duplicate object
21 Lua error
22 Cannot join
24 Invalid date time.
25 Cannot lock(read) object
26 Cannot lock(write) object
29 Other errors
30 License expires
31 VARSTRING is not allowed
32 Invalid argument
303 Integer is expected
304 Data type mismatch
305 Syntax error
310 Invalid filter
533 Cannot suspend
534 Cannot resume